Expense Reports
The expense report process has three main steps.
STEP ONE: Create and submit an expense report by logging into Concur
1. Select “new Expense Report”
2. Complete the Report Header
3. Enter incurred expenses
a. Import available Pcard charges into the expense report
b. Add reimbursable expenses paid for by cash or personal credit card
4. Itemize and/or allocate expenses as necessary
5. Apply Travel Advance when applicable
6. Attach receipts and other supporting documentation
7. Attach the deposit voucher stamped by the Cashier’s Office when money is due Rice
8. Submit the report
STEP TWO: Approvals
1. Select an authorized approver with the appropriate dollar level. Additional approvers may also be added by either the user and/or the approver. Refer to the approvals information at the Company Notes section on the main page when you are logged in to Concur for more details.
STEP THREE: Payment of approved expenses
1. Direct deposit paid directly to faculty, staff and students if you are enrolled with Payables direct deposit.
2. If you aren’t enrolled with direct deposit, a check will process in a normal check run by Payables.